
Stress Free Treatment Room

Procedure rooms are equipped with sophisticated and latest technology in dental field

Comfortable Lounge

Lounge with great ambience designed specifically to convey relaxing vibe

Calming Garden

Japanese inspired indoor garden designed for calming effect

Kids Corner

Comfortable and fun corner for kids to play while waiting.


Our primary concerns are hygiene and a hygienic atmosphere. As a result, we take sterilization very seriously. Treatment rooms & instruments are well-sterilized for every patient.

Spacious Parking Lot &
Valet Service

Do not worry about where to park your personal rides!


CJ Optik Microscope

With pinpoint accuracy, our advanced dental microscope is going to perform any procedure with safety and comfort

CBCT 3D Scan

The latest CBCT technology enables comprehensive diagnostics and surgical planning and offers detailed insights into skull sections, sinuses, bone density, and oral health factors during a single consultation.

In-House Lab

Our in-house dental lab has the most cutting-edge technology in the world, including 3D printers and milling machines.

3D Intraoral Scanner

Highly accurate dental impressions are quickly and comfortably obtained through a simplified scanning process, generating excellent 3D high-definition images.

Laser Diode Technology

Dental lasers are crucial for our advanced protocols, ensuring faster, pain-free treatments across various dental procedures and supporting quicker recovery.

Computer Guided Surgery

In combination with CBCT images, this technology facilitates dentists to plan and execute precision implant surgery, ensuring faster healing, reduced bleeding, and less pain for patients.

Digital Periapical X-Ray

Our non-toxic dentistry utilizes low-radiation digital X-ray technology for early detection of dental issues and long-lasting digital records.