drg. Edwin Kurniawan, Sp.KG

Edwin Kurniawan, drg., graduated from Trisakti University since 2016. His passion in Endodontics led him to study more deeply for 3 years at Trisakti University post-graduate program in Conservative and Endodontics dentistry. With his knowledge, skill, and advanced technology in dentistry nowadays, he wants to provide the best possible treatment to all his patients, especially in Endodontics.

2016 “Efficient Cleaning Shaping and Disinfection of The Root Canal System from A to Z in a Day” by Dr. Jorge Vera

2017 “The Beauty of Replicating Nature” by Prof. Francesco Mangani ​

2017 “Root Canal Instrumentation and The Outcome of Endodontic Treatments with CBCT” by Prof. Francesco Mannocci ​

2017 “Instrumentation of Severly Curve Root Canals” by Dr. Eugen Buga

2017 “Updating Ethics and Research in Dentistry” by Trisakti University

2017 “Inside Non-Surgical Retreatments” by Nuno Pinto DDS, MSc

2017 “Updating in Dentistry Life Long Learning for Better Quality of Life” by FOKUS Trisakti

2017 “Revolutionary Paradigm for the Future Vision of Endodontics & Restorative Dentistry” by IKORGI

2018 “Pink and White Week with Dr. Tetsuji Aoshima, Dr. Marco Gresnigt, Dr. You Nino and Dr. Shohei Terasawa” by Klik Dental ​

2018 “Translating Scientific Theory to Excellent Endodontic Practice” by Mahidol International Endodontics Symposium (MIES)

2018 “How to Achieve an Aesthetic Result for Fracture Teeth” by Dr. Gaetano Paolone

2018 “IFEA 11th World Endodontic Congress Seoul, South Korea” by The Korean Academy of Endodontics (KAE)

2018 “Excellence in Dentistry Research and Clinical Practice to Enhance Professionalism and Community Services” by FORIL Trisakti

2018 “Missing Canals as a Reason of Endodontic Failure in Maxillary First Molar” Mahidol International Endodontics Symposium (MIES