drg. Agrippina Maria, Sp.Pros

Agrippina Maria, drg., graduated (Cum Laude) from University of Indonesia and since then has participated in international exchange programs in Japan and South Korea where she learnt to give best dental care at international level.  Dr. Agrippina took Post graduate program in Prosthodontics from the same university in 2016 and achieved the highest practice exam score on the national board prosthodontics examination. She diligently participates in any national and international dental training and seminars to continuously improve her knowledge and skills.

2013 Inter-University Exchange Program toward Medical and Dental Networking in Southeast Asia, by Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), Tokyo, Japan ​

2014 9th International Dental Collaboration of the Mekong River Region Congress, Bali, Indonesia ​

2015 Complete Esthetic Anterior, by J. F. Roulet ​

2015 Layering Technique Made Easy: The Real Beauty of Composite Resin, by Jaimee Morgan ​

2015 Porcelain Veneer: Aesthetic and Functional Success, by ICDE

2015 Creating a New Smile: from The Cosmetic to the Functional Rehabilitation, by Dr Stefen Koubi, DDs, PhD ​

2015 Dental Intership Program, by Dain Dental Hospital, Seoul, South Korea

2016 From New York to Indonesia: Dr Michael Apa Tour to Indonesia “Million Dollar Smile Make Over”, by IKGEI

2016 Minimally Invasive Tooth Preparation Techniques A to Z, by Galip Gurel

2016 The Style Italiano Advanced: The Complete Composite Course, by Dr. Angelo Putignano

2016 Modern Techniques in Restorative Dentistry, by Dr. Markus Lenhard ​

2017 The Beauty of Replicating Nature, by Prof. Francesco Mangani ​

2017 Pain, Bruxism, and Sleep Apnea Clinical Updates, by IACMD

2018 Pink and White Week with Dr. Tetsuji Aoshima, Dr. Marco Gresnigt, Dr. You Nino And Dr. Shohei Terasawa, by Klik Dental

2018 Unravel TMD Mysteries, by IACMD ​

2019 The Art of True Preparation, by Jun Iwata D.D.S,Ph.D

2019 Mastering Preparation & Rubber Dam Isolation, by dr. Victor Guerrero

2020 Treatment Procedure for Overlapped Disorders of TMD, by Prof. Koichi Wajima, DDS., Ph.D ​

2020 Advanced Prosthodontic Series II: Implant in the Aesthetic Zone, by IPROSI

2021 Post Graduate of Prosthodontics, University of Indonesia, Indonesia ​

2021 Effective Way to Copy Dentures, by Andreas Wolfle and Manuel Mohr

2021 The Predictable Way of Producing High Quality Dentures/ BPS, by Mattheus Boxhoorn and Thomas Doblander

2018 “ Indication and Preparation Design of Posterior Indirect Adhesive Restoration” @ Medan Inpro, Indonesia ​

2018 “ 8 Years of TMD Mistreatment: A Case Report” @ Indonesian Academy of Craniomandibular Disorder (IACMD) Jakarta, Indonesia

2018 “ Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia in A Patient after Lower Tooth Extraction: A Case Report” @ Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ​

2019 “ Management of Edentulous Patient with Severe Mandibular Ridge Resorption using Frame Cut Back Tray as Preliminary Impression: A Case Report” @ International Seminar on Clinical and Research in Dentistry (ISCaRD) Jakarta, Indonesia

2019 “ The Effect of Implant Thread Design on Biological Stability based on Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA): An Original Article” @ International Workshop on Dental Research (IWDR) Jakarta, Indonesia

2018 “ Indication and Preparation Design of Posterior Indirect Adhesive Restoration” @ Medan Inpro, Indonesia ​

2018 “ 8 Years of TMD Mistreatment: A Case Report” @ Indonesian Academy of Craniomandibular Disorder (IACMD) Jakarta, Indonesia

2018 “ Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia in A Patient after Lower Tooth Extraction: A Case Report” @ Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ​

2019 “ Management of Edentulous Patient with Severe Mandibular Ridge Resorption using Frame Cut Back Tray as Preliminary Impression: A Case Report” @ International Seminar on Clinical and Research in Dentistry (ISCaRD) Jakarta, Indonesia

2019 “ The Effect of Implant Thread Design on Biological Stability based on Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA): An Original Article” @ International Workshop on Dental Research (IWDR) Jakarta, Indonesia